Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Deep Inside the Ocean (Art Project and Song)

"Way Down Deep - Deep Inside the Ocean"

This was an art project that Hannah made in Preschool (2009-2010).  Make your ocean collage on one plate. Cut a window out of the other plate... it on the other plate

and staple it together.  Super cute!!

Here's the song that goes with it.  You can buy (and listen to) the song at Songs for Teaching

Way down deep
Deep inside the ocean
Nothing's ever still
Something's always in motion
Way down deep
Deep inside the ocean
Nothing's ever still
Something's always in motion

Fish blow bubbles but they don't speak
Not a peep not a squeak
They don't talk
They don't walk
They swim and swim and swim around
But they don't ever make a sound.


The plants by the coral reef wave and sway
While the fish in their schools
All frolic and play
Dogfish don't bark
Cafish don't meow
Seahorses don't neigh
'Cause they don't know how


Slow motion…slow motion….slow motion

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